Explore Sundial Like a Kid

DATE: January 27, 2020

It’s hard to beat the joy that is experiencing vacation as a kid. With that in mind, we decided to take a look at all that Sundial has to offer from a kid’s perspective.

little girl on beach sanibel island

Discovering the beach

(pic @wanderingwilla)

Living in Florida, and on an island no less, we sometimes forget that the beach isn’t everywhere. The shrieks of joy as a new little visitor discovers the feel of sand between their toes and the gulf lapping at their feet is hard to beat! With its calm and clear waters, the Gulf of Mexico is the perfect intro to the beach for even the most hesitant of young vacationers.

Learning to Shell

If you’ve ever gone on a nature walk with a toddler, you know there is no greater joy to tiny fingers than picking up every interesting thing in their path. Thankfully, on Sanibel, this urge can be channeled into a fun and delightful hobby: shelling! Armed with nothing more than a shell bag and a keen sense of sight, your little one can be shelling like a pro in no time. Once they’ve gathered their first haul, stop by the shell washing station and show them how to identify their finds and clean up their new specimens.

sanibel sea school kids playing with shells

Sanibel Sea School

(pic @sanibelseaschool)

If shelling and identifying their finds piqued your child’s interest, Sanibel Sea School will blow their minds! Take an afternoon class, visit the observation tank, sign up for a full day adventure; there are options for every age and interest level. Sanibel Sea School’s Sundial campus makes it easy for your young one to embark on an afternoon of new discovery without ever leaving the property. Find out everything Sanibel Sea School has to offer and sign up during your next visit.

gulf of mexico kid body boarding

Tackling New Adventures

(pic @ earth2jessi)

Whether you’re taking advantage of our complimentary kayaks and paddleboards or you brought your own watercraft, Sundial is a great place to hone new water skills. The calm Gulf and shallow grade of our shore lets little ones feel confident in the water as they try out new things. It’s much easier to focus on paddle technique when you’re not also trying to keep big waves from knocking you over!

water slide sundial resort

Pool Party

(pic @elle_jay_eff)

Every kid loves a pool but tell them there’s a slide and they might lose their minds! Our big pool slide is perfect for all ages and we promise it won’t bring out anyone’s fear of heights. For the kids who are a little older, they can also enjoy Saturday Log Roll Challenges (during the high season) and test their balance skills against other resort guests of all ages.

Recreation Rocks!

Every single day, the phenomenal Sundial Recreation Team leads the fun on the pool deck. From crafting, to poolside activities to organized game time, kids get to enjoy engaging in something new and make new friends along the way.

pepperoni pizza sanibel island outdoor pizzeria wood oven

You’ve Earned a Snack

After a busy day of playing, crafting, discovering, exploring and generally having a grand old time, every kid deserves a treat! Take a pit stop at Slice of Paradice for fresh-made pizza and ice cream.

What do you think would be your younger self’s favorite thing about Sundial?

Header photo by @mommietourist


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