Spring Training in Fort Myers

DATE: February 21, 2014

Spring Training in Fort Myers is almost here! In less than a week, all of us here in Sanibel will be able to go see some of our favorite teams. I feel so lucky to be able to watch the Boston Red Sox and Minnesota Twins get warmed up for the season just across the bridge!

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know my family is a big fan of the Red Sox and the Twins, especially my husband and son. Nathan, my son, even wrote an essay all about his excitement for the approaching games. To get an eight year old to write anything of length is a challenge so his teacher was forgiving about the topic choice.

Following the Red Sox championship season, we’re all antsy with anticipation to find out how they will perform this year. What’s great, too, is that Sundial Beach Resort always does a weekly round-up of the highlights and outcomes of the game on their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages. For someone that is not an avid Sports Center viewer, this is HUGELY helpful to me. However, I do have a mini sportscaster in the house who is more than happy to give me the entire game recap the second it gets through the door after going to see one. His retelling of the events of the innings is always an interpretation filtered through his eight-year-old mind. For example:

“Mom! The Twins won! It started with the America song, and the person who sang was a lady and she looked real scared, and then we sang the peanut song too. During the seventh inning stretch…you know what that is right? …anyways, what happened, was there was a foul ball that went into the stands and I didn’t catch it but dad got me a hot dog, so it was okay.”

This breathless monologue can sometimes last longer than the length of your average baseball inning.

We are counting down the days until we will once again be able to watch our favorite teams in real life. Hopefully I’ll be able to go to more games this year but I don’t know if I’ll get that chance. The baseball fan-boys tend to horde the tickets like a squirrel hoarding nuts in preparation for winter. I’ll just have to wait and see.

Hope to see some of you in the stands!


Spring Training in Fort Myers –

Boston Red Sox Schedule

Minnesota Twins Schedule

Get tickets to the games –

Boston Red Sox Tickets

Minnesota Twins Schedule

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